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Azalea Counselling Counselling from Eastleigh near Winchester
with Vicky Mould

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"When someone really hears you without passing judgement on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mould you, it feels damn good". - Carl Rogers


About Me. Vicky Mould

You may wish to know a little bit about me before making contact

Hi, I'm Vicky Mould.

I have practised person-centred counselling since 2011, yet I have embraced the philosophy of this approach (in my personal life and relationships) for over twenty years. In counselling, I'll work to establish a relationship where you feel genuinely safe, valued, accepted, heard and understood.

I offer individual counselling on a long or short-term basis. I now practise exclusively online and over the phone, yet these are effective forms of therapy and offer greater convenience and flexibility.

I am down-to-earth, friendly-natured and non-judgemental. You can feel at ease with me.

Working together offers space to explore what feels important to you. I appreciate that trust can take time to build, yet you will be welcome just as you are, not expected to be or feel a certain way.

I can work creatively, where we don't solely rely on talking to relieve that sense of overwhelm or stress. Art materials, for example, can be effective for self-expression and gaining new insights. 

Counselling with me can help you connect with your strengths and inner resources for moving forward and have a greater sense of trust in yourself to cope with any future life challenges. 

I offer a low-cost initial consultation to explore the possibility of counselling together. Depending on your preference, the consultation can be over the phone or via Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp. 

If you'd like to book a consultation, please call or text 07729 193629 or use my contact form.


How I approach diversity

My approach to counselling is firmly grounded in respect, such as respect for you as a whole person and the differences that may exist between us. 

When we meet, I'll work to understand your world as it is for you rather than make judgements and assumptions. I am open to learning from you and educating myself outside our counselling sessions.

Ongoing self-reflection is integral to my work, yet I have reflected extensively on ethnicity, cultural diversity, neurodiversity (including autism), age, class, gender, disability and sexual orientation.

While I have my professional knowledge, training and experience as a counsellor, I'm not the expert on your life - I trust you are, so I will work to empower you in your own life and development. 

If you'd like to book a consultation, please call or text 07729 193629 or use my contact form.



I have been a trusted listener since my mid-teen years. I have also experienced counselling myself and felt the benefits in all areas of my life. 

I have a long-standing interest in adult mental health and can work with you to increase your overall sense of wellbeing. My former roles include a Support Time Recovery (STR) Worker for Together for Mental Wellbeing and a Support Worker on an NHS psychiatric ward. I have also volunteered for Rethink Mental Illness and Mind. 

I hold personal insight into domestic abuse, and many years ago, I was a Helpline Volunteer for Women's Aid. In my counselling practice, I work with survivors irrespective of gender or ethnicity.

I have supported many people through the confusion and pain of loss and grief. Before qualifying as a counsellor, I volunteered for the charity Cruse Bereavement Care, carrying out client assessments and one-to-one support. I have also facilitated bereavement support groups.

I take a trauma-informed approach to my work, including the opportunity to use creative mediums in sessions. I access trauma training regularly as part of my continuing professional development.

If you'd like to explore counselling, you can call or text 07729 193629 or use my contact form.


Registrations and qualifications

I hold full professional liability insurance with Towergate Insurance and am registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). 

As an Accredited Professional Registrant of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society, I adhere to their Code of Ethical Practice, including consulting regularly with a counselling supervisor.

I hold practitioner membership with the Person-Centred Association. Since March 2022, I have also been a member of Creative Counsellors.

I am verified and listed on Psychology Today. You can also find me on the directory Therapy Tribe

I hold a Certificate in Online and Telephone Counselling, recognised by the Association for Counselling and Therapy Online (ACTO).

I hold a Certificate in Crisis Counselling.

I have been awarded an advanced-level Certificate in Grief and Bereavement Counselling, which includes complex grief, spirituality, long-term support, and child and adolescent loss and grief.

I qualified as a counsellor with a Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling. I have also been awarded a Certificate of Higher Education in Counselling and Centra Counselling Level 1. 

Continuing professional development (CPD)
I have completed a range of continuing professional development courses, including:

Working Creatively with Shame

Working Creatively with Gratitude

Working Creatively with Stress & Burnout

Relational Trauma: Dealing with Disorganised Attachment 

Working with Trauma Triggers and Flashbacks

Creative Grounding and Stabilisation Tools  

Creative Mindset for Counsellors

Child Sexual Abuse: Hope for Healing

Trauma and the Body: Dissociation and Somatisation

Postnatal Depression Awareness

Domestic Violence and PTSD

Burnout from an Autistic and ADHD perspective - The 8 Senses

Autism Awareness

Journal Therapy and Art Therapy

Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Supporting Parents Through Child Bereavement

Mindful Mental Health

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults.

You can contact me to book an online or phone consultation

I offer a low-cost initial consultation to explore the possibility of counselling together. Depending on your preference, the consultation can be over the phone or via Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp. 

If you'd like to book your consultation or ask questions about counselling, you can call or text 07729 193629 or use my contact form.

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